Annual Event Preview: What is a Motherhood Roundtable?

DWN is busy preparing for our 2013 Annual Event, A Connected Community: Navigating Personal Path and Mapping Professional Growth, which will take place on March 7 at the Lincoln Park Student Center. We’re incredibly excited to welcome this year’s keynote speaker, Alison Cuddy from WBEZ 91.5 FM Chicago Public Radio.

Participants also can choose to attend a wide variety of breakout sessions, including two interactive Motherhood Roundtables. Ashley Jackson, from the Annual Event Committee, shared some details about how the Motherhood Roundtables will work. Read on, and remember to register to attend! Visit the Annual Event website to learn more about the other sessions and speakers.

CC_color_wordsWhere did the idea for the Motherhood Roundtables come from?

During the programming brainstorming phase, we were all throwing out great ideas related to women’s empowerment and self-care. It dawned on me that one of the most untapped topics at the Annual Event is one of the most common topics we all talk about with our friends and family members – our personal thoughts on motherhood. Once I brought forth the idea of motherhood as a programming topic, the committee helped build the rest. We wanted to focus on motherhood and how it affects your professional drive and climb.

Are the roundtables just for mothers or also for women without children?

The sessions are open to anyone. The committee felt that it would be good to provide a variety of topics so everyone could participate. We will have table discussions for new mothers, experienced mothers, women considering motherhood, adopting mothers, women not seeking motherhood and so on.

How will the sessions work?

We will have an experienced facilitator (a mix of faculty and staff) at each table ready to answer questions and address some common misconceptions about motherhood and professionalism. As I mentioned, there will be something for everyone. We will have note cards with quotes and questions, and we feel strongly that the discussions will lead themselves if the passion is present. We will also provide tips and strategies on how to manage your personal goals as they relates to motherhood and your professional goals.

What should people expect to learn?

We want women to walk away feeling more confident about their personal choices related to motherhood. They hopefully will gain some insightful tips and strategies on career management and how to navigate the world of the working mother, or navigate the world of the non-motherhood seekers. They are both very complex worlds. It sometimes takes a conversation with another person who shares your passions and convictions to feel comfortable with the tough choices we all have made and will have to make as women.

Should participants come prepared with questions?

Of course. A small part of the discussion will focus on resources DePaul offers to women who seek motherhood. We hope that women come prepared to share their own experiences as well. As the old saying goes … it takes a village!

Have you registered to attend the Annual Event? Leave us a comment about what you hope to learn from the event. If you’re not registered, sign up today!

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